Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Bliss in Burgundy

I received a complaint that my blog posts have been too long... so I'll just be brief with this one.

Salonge's favorite château
I said already that the last time I was in France, I just fell in love with Burgundy. I wasn't at all disappointed when I went back there on this trip. The world there feels different; it's calmer, and the air tastes deliciously clean and fresh. There's just something so grounding and comforting about being in a place full of reminders of the Middle Ages. Everywhere we went, we saw another medieval church, or another medieval castle, or medieval roads or houses or wells or communal laundry spaces ("lavoires")... We spent our time in the excellent company of old family friends, and they kept us busy - we hiked through the forest and went to one of their son's concerts and visited many of the nearby medieval towns. My mother had always told me that Lancharre is the most beautiful place in the world, and I completely agree. I was so happy to still be able to make it out to Burgundy after losing the train tickets and having to buy new ones.

Jessie and Katie at Cluny
Walking through the forest

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